Deuteronomy 28 and The Pursuit of Happiness
In our modern world steeped in the supposed wisdom of wellness gurus, mindfulness, and all manner of self-improvement manuals, we have...
Deuteronomy 28 and The Pursuit of Happiness
The Wandering Aramean, History and Returning to Eden
Devarim and the Torah as a call to action
Shoftim: Justice, Justice.
Deuteronomy 28: Don't Reject 'Me'
V'zot HaBeracha: This Is The Blessing
Nitzavim (Standing)
Ki Tetze: Divorce & Amalek
Ki Tavo: The Call To Joy
Ki Tetze: 'When You Go'
Shoftim: Cities of Refuge
Ki Teitzei: Be A Hebrew
Shoftim: The 7 Gates
Torah Portion: Re'eh
Ekev: All For Love
Torah Portion Ekev
Ekev: The Rain of Messiah
Devarim: The Resurrection
Torah Portion: Devarim